Once Human annual scenario "The Way of Winter" is live. Play for free now!


Content Creator UGC Campaign

04/30/2024 Content Creator UGC Campaign

Hello Metas,

Do you still remember the $60,000 cash we offer?
(Reference to our UGC program:


It used to open for content creator roles only. But since we remain cash in the pool. Therefore, we decide to release the creator restriction and open our UGC program to every player! And even more amazing, we will add an additional $30,000 bonus! First come first served.

——How to participate?

1. Fill out your accurate information below our registration form and make sure you have signed up properly.

For YouTube creator——https://act.neteasegames.com/activity/3sEEqQ/3sSEWU

For TikTok creator——https://act.neteasegames.com/activity/3sEEqQ/3sSEWU

Please make sure you have authorized your TikTok account or write the correct YouTube account link.

You can check our Lurkit website to know further streaming events if you focus on the streaming business.


2. After you register through our sign-up link. Please upload videos with the word OnceHumanBeta (no spaces) in the title directly on YTB/TikTok, and ensure that the video content is related to Once Human Beta.

You do not need to post your work anywhere else, since our system can collect the views by itself.



1. The chance to become a formal content creator for Once Human. You will be able to get an invitation to our content creator server and own specific roles once you have a stable amount of followers and participate in our cash project.



General Creator


Mr.Wish Creator

30k < Followers

Buzzy Bee Creator


2. $60000 Bonus. We will pay off the bonus once you decide to reach the views of videos and settle to earn the cash. By the way, the highest video views creator during the event will earn an extra bonus.


Youtube videos

Youtube short/TikTok videos

TOP1 $1000

TOP1 $600

TOP2-4 $700  

TOP2-4 $400

TOP3-10 $350  

TOP3-10 $200


3. An additional $30,000 bonus awaits! If you include the following 5 themes in your videos and mention them through oral broadcasting or video content, you can claim to our Discord admin Newbee at checkout that your video contains a specified thematic element. If your work really does, then the videos that match the theme can be added for an additional $3 each. Each video can only be appended once, and the maximum bonus for the same creator can be added up to $15.

3-1. Monster Showcase

Content Direction: Displaying the monster’ appearance, background story, and abilities, using narrative-style voiceover to attract players. Enhancing attractiveness with monster performances in cover art, sound effects, and in-game footage.

3-2. Open World Game Scenery Showcase

Content Direction: Displaying game-style scenes with high-quality visuals, adjusting audience emotions with background music. Adding interactivity with memes while emphasizing key information in voiceovers.

3-3. Player Social Relationships

Content Direction: Portraying game PVE and PVP situations in player team mode. Showcasing friendly social atmospheres through scenes of teamwork in attacking Great Ones, collecting materials, and finding various resources. Enhancing on-screen entertainment with in-team player interactions, creating game memes and classic moments. Clips of livestream production are welcomed.

3-4. Constructions

Content Direction: Utilize highly flexible construction mechanics and abundant materials to create unique structures, including but not limited to houses and Plate Trailer.  Players can repurpose Plate Trailer into structures for other uses, such as versatile vehicles for both offense and defense in combat operations.

3-5. Game Strategy

Content Direction: Providing game tips through demonstration and commentary, covering multiple gameplay aspects within a short duration to increase the concentration of strategic content. This includes strategies for gear and mod combinations, skill selections for cradle in different scenarios, various effects of food items, boos fights techniques, and more.

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